Revelation's Timings!


Question: When do the events in Revelation take place and how do they relate to current times?


These are the important questions, and like Daniel, much is not knowable until certain times of the events.

It is possible however to get a vague view, and to fill out the mental picture over time.

To start that process it is necessary to prayerfully read quite a few times the Book of Revelation, make notes, and make comparisons with the work of others.

There are a few places in Revelation which give definite date datum’s, but again, cannot be relied on for too much speculation; one such is Chp.11, and the two Witnesses of God; whereas Chp.12 seems to be an overview of past and future!

The following is one effort to try the above, and you will be able to choose a Chapter at will to study prayerfully in your own way.


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